Design of house of Openhouse from XTEN Architecture

         Located on the Hollywood hills in the state of Californium, a mansion under the name Openhouse justifies the name on everything 100%. The designers of company XTEN Architecture, workings on a project, managed to do a house maximally opened and inculcated in an environment, with a wonderful kind on Los Angeles.

       Structure and finishing of mansion, actually, much more difficult, than can appear. Architects developed a project specially for this locality. Located on the steep slope of hill, two floors have a house, thus they repeat the form of landscape. Rooms, terraces and gardens, on each of levels are CPLD between itself due to the interesting planning. But the staple of design are windows. They it be not that enormous, they simply replace walls almost in all rooms. Different mirror panels, reflecting a sunlight, add an apartment by sight a large commodiousness and luminosity. Thus, in an interior and in an exterior flowed in different execution is basic used materials. As a result, nature as though penetrates into a mansion, and a mansion diffuses itself on surrounding nature, meeting with it, as if part of landscape.